
The popular ornamental tropical fish export to our customers

Many different types of tropical fish that are popular among ornamental fish enthusiasts.
Some of the most popular tropical fish include :

Guppies: These small, brightly colored fish are also a popular choice for community tanks and are known for their hardiness.

Bettas: Also known as Siamese fighting fish, Bettas are known for their bright colors and long fins. They are best kept in single species tanks.

Goldfish: Goldfish are a popular choice for both outdoor ponds and indoor aquariums. They come in a variety of colors and can grow quite large.

Angelfish: These large, tropical fish are known for their elegant, elongated fins and peaceful nature. They are best kept in tanks with other peaceful fish.

Cichlids: These tropical fish are known for their bright colors and aggressive nature. They are best kept in tanks with other cichlids of similar size and temperament.

Shrimp: Freshwater shrimp are a popular addition to community tanks and are known for their scavenging behavior.

Gouramis: These tropical fish are known for their bright colors and peaceful nature. They are best kept in tanks with other peaceful fish.

These are some examples, but there are many more species of fish that can be kept in an aquarium. It depends on the tank size and the fish compatibility.

Data of records from our company  : Bangkok Aqua Plus Co.,Ltd  http://www.grandaquatic.com