
Different types of goldfish that are popular in the market.

There are different types of goldfish that are popular in the market. Some examples include:

Common goldfish:
These are the most basic and traditional type of goldfish. They have a round, chubby body shape and come in a variety of colors.

Comet goldfish:
These are similar to common goldfish, but have a more elongated body shape and longer fins. They are known for their fast swimming abilities.

Shubunkin goldfish:
These are a type of goldfish that have a calico color pattern and a slightly elongated body shape.

Fantail goldfish:
These are a type of goldfish that have a round body shape and a double tail fin. They are known for their hardiness and ease of care.

Oranda goldfish:
These are a type of goldfish that have a round body shape and a “hood” of flesh on their head. They come in a variety of colors.

Lionhead goldfish:
These are a type of goldfish that have a round body shape and a “hood” of flesh on their head that extends over the eyes.

Ranchu goldfish:
These are a type of goldfish that have a round body shape and a “hood” of flesh on their head, similar to the Lionhead. But Ranchu have a more curved back and tail shape

Black Moor goldfish:
These are a type of goldfish that have a black color and a telescope eye.

It’s important to note that different types of goldfish have different needs and requirements, so it’s important to research the specific type of goldfish you’re interested in keeping before making a purchase.


Ornamental fish Export by  Bangkok Aqua Plus Co.,Ltd.  http://www.grandaquatic.com