
5 kind of fish in the trend freshwater aquarium fish for 2024.

5 Kind of freshwater aquarium fish in the trend for 2024,  based on the web search results by Bing.com

Betta fish:

Betta fish are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish, due to their vibrant colors, long fins, and easy care. Betta fish are also known as Siamese fighting fish, because they are territorial and aggressive towards other males of their species. Betta fish can live in small tanks or bowls, but they need clean water, a heater, and a filter to thrive. Betta fish come in many varieties, such as veiltail, crowntail, halfmoon, plakat, and morBetta fish come in many varieties, such as veiltail, crowntail, halfmoon, plakat, and more.

Guppy fish :

Guppy fish are another popular freshwater aquarium fish, due to their lively behavior, diverse patterns, and low maintenance. Guppy fish are also known as millionfish, because they breed very quickly and easily. Guppy fish are peaceful and social, and can coexist with other small and friendly fish. Guppy fish can adapt to a wide range of water conditions, but they prefer warm, slightly alkaline, and well-oxygenated water.

Neon tetra fish :

Neon tetra fish are one of the most eye-catching freshwater aquarium fish, due to their bright colors, iridescent stripes, and schooling nature. Neon tetra fish are also known as cardinal tetra fish, because they resemble the red and blue colors of a cardinal bird. Neon tetra fish are peaceful and active, and can form beautiful shoals with other tetras or similar fish. Neon tetra fish need soft, acidic, and clean water, as well as a planted tank with dim lighting.

Angelfish :

Angelfish are one of the most elegant freshwater aquarium fish, due to their graceful shape, long fins, and varied colors. Angelfish are also known as scalare fish, because they belong to the cichlid family. Angelfish are semi-aggressive and territorial, and can grow quite large. Angelfish need a spacious tank with plenty of hiding places, as well as warm, slightly acidic, and moderately soft water.

Goldfish :

Goldfish are one of the most classic freshwater aquarium fish, due to their long history, diverse breeds, and easy availability. Goldfish are also known as carp fish, because they are derived from the wild carp. Goldfish are hardy and adaptable, and can survive in various water conditions. However, goldfish need a large tank with a powerful filter, as they produce a lot of waste and can grow very big. Goldfish come in many shapes, sizes, and colors, such as common, comet, fantail, oranda, ranchu, and more

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