AIR FREIGHT RATE UU BKK TO RUN by UU Airline : COMMODITY : LIVE TROPICAL FISH +45KG : 6.15 usd/Kg +100KG : 5.50 usd/Kg +300KG : 5.25 usd/Kg +500KG : 4.95 usd/Kg REMARK : ENS FEE 13 usd/MAWB. FLIGHT SCHEDULE UU888 BKK 09:00 – RUN 13:35 FLIGHT ON THU / SUN

Freight rate for BKK to Kuwait city / Kuwait by QR airline *** Minimum request weight = +600 Kg/shipment. + 600 Kg = 5.95 USD/Kg Remark: – reference Exchange rate 34.50 Baht/1 USD – date of calculate on 1 July 2022 – We reserve the right to change without notification. If the changes announced by the airline and exchange rate…

Freight rate for BKK to CMN Casablanca Morocco by EK airline + 100 Kg = 10.35 USD/Kg + 300 Kg = 10.10 USD/Kg + 500 Kg = 9.75 USD/Kg *** all in freight and fual sercharge.

Freight rate for ship live tropical fish from Bangkok to Male by Airasia airline . AIR FREIGHT RATE (for Live tropical fish) BKK TO MLE by FD airline (AirAsia airline) +45KG = 6.00 Usd/Kg +100KG = 5.90 Usd/Kg +500KG = 5.60 Usd/Kg +1000KG = 5.20 Usd/Kg T/C 25 USD PER AWB FD CONDITION – HANDLING AT DON MUEANG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT…