Freight rate for BKK to Kuwait city / Kuwait by QR airline *** Minimum request weight = +600 Kg/shipment. + 600 Kg = 5.95 USD/Kg Remark: – reference Exchange rate 34.50 Baht/1 USD – date of calculate on 1 July 2022 – We reserve the right to change without notification. If the changes announced by the airline and exchange rate…
Freight rate for BKK to CMN Casablanca Morocco by EK airline + 100 Kg = 10.35 USD/Kg + 300 Kg = 10.10 USD/Kg + 500 Kg = 9.75 USD/Kg *** all in freight and fual sercharge.
Freight rate for ship live tropical fish from Bangkok to Male by Airasia airline . AIR FREIGHT RATE (for Live tropical fish) BKK TO MLE by FD airline (AirAsia airline) +45KG = 6.00 Usd/Kg +100KG = 5.90 Usd/Kg +500KG = 5.60 Usd/Kg +1000KG = 5.20 Usd/Kg T/C 25 USD PER AWB FD CONDITION – HANDLING AT DON MUEANG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT…
we show the quality of discus fish for export to our customers.
We show quality of freshwater ornamental aquarium fish export on shipment to Cyprus and Dubai.
We show quality of freshwater ornamental aquarium fish and packaging operations on shipment export to Mexico.
We show quality of koi fish and goldfish on shipment export to Belgium customer.
We show quality of freshwater ornamental aquarium on shipment export to UK.